(English Text Below/英文簡介請滑至頁底)
砂紙浮凸書頁,搭配 經過色彩編碼的筆順指引-Dot Line Curve 「自然」 中文學習套組 鼓勵孩子從循跡觸摸中,運用視覺、觸覺學習中文。加上明亮可愛的配圖,這是一套孩子一眼就會愛上的中文學習書!
可重複使用的習字卡 附有色彩編碼和視覺化書寫指引,孩子能自在、直覺的練習書寫。可擦拭的表面材質,使用水性筆或蠟筆都能輕鬆清理。放心讓孩子書寫、塗畫、練習中文吧!
• 以繁體/正體中文書寫
• 使用無毒大豆油墨印製,寶寶也可安心玩
• 使用FSC®認證環保紙張
• 歐盟CE認證,符合兒童玩具安全標準
Learn 12 basic traditional Chinese characters with hands-on touch & trace and wipeable writing cards.
Textured and colour coded strokes encourage visual and tactile learning through simple touch and trace. Little learners will delight in a visual and hands-on approach of Chinese learning, accompanied by bright and colourful illustrations.
Bilingual overview with English translations and written stroke order for easy reference. Suitable for both native and non-native learners.
Practice what you learn with its accompanying Write & Wipe Cards. Colour coded dots and written stroke order designed for visual learning and practice. Wipeable surface suitable for water soluble markers and crayons. Perfect surface for multiple use and play with easy clean up.
• Characters written in traditional Chinese
• Printed with non-toxic soy ink
• Manufactured with FSC® certification
• CE certified for toy product safety
關於作者:Agnes Wong/Dot Line Curve
The series is created by Agnes Wong, a Hong Kong native living in Switzerland with her husband and daughter. Agnes works as a designer during the day, and makes things here in the little corner of Dot Line Curve as a passion project — with the wish to bring a bit joy and delight to Chinese learning, for little and big learners alike.
The series is created by Agnes Wong, a Hong Kong native living in Switzerland with her husband and daughter. Agnes works as a designer during the day, and makes things here in the little corner of Dot Line Curve as a passion project — with the wish to bring a bit joy and delight to Chinese learning, for little and big learners alike.